jump - определение. Что такое jump
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Что (кто) такое jump - определение

Jump (song); Jumped; Jump!; Jump (album); Jumping (song); Jump (film); Jumping (disambiguation); Jumpin; Jumpin'; Jump (disambiguation); Jumpin' (song); Jumpin (song); The Jump
Найдено результатов: 2171
1) to take a jump (on horseback)
2) to make a jump (with a parachute)
3) (sports) the broad (AE), long; high; ski; triple jump
4) (sports) a water jump
5) a delayed (parachute) jump
6) (basketball) the center jump
7) a quantum jump
8) a jump from; to
9) (misc.) to get the jump on smb. ('to anticipate smb.')
1) (d; intr.) to jump across (to jump across a stream)
2) (d; intr.) to jump at ('to be eager for') (she jumped at the chance)
3) (d; intr.) to jump for, with (to jump for joy)
4) (d; intr.) to jump from, off (he jumped off the roof)
5) (d; intr.) to jump from; to (to jump from one topic to another)
6) (d; intr.) ('to leap') to jump into; onto (the child jumped into bed; the dog jumped onto the sofa)
7) (d; intr.) to jump on ('to attack') (he jumped on his opponent)
8) (d; intr.) to jump out of (to jump out of a window)
9) (d; intr.) to jump over (to jump over a fence)
10) (d; intr.) to jump to (to jump to one's feet)
11) (d; intr.) ('to rush') to jump to (to jump to conclusions; to jump to smb.'s defense)
12) (misc.) to jump down smb.'s throat ('to berate smb.'); to jump up and down (for Joy)
(jumps, jumping, jumped)
Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English.
If you jump, you bend your knees, push against the ground with your feet, and move quickly upwards into the air.
I jumped over the fence...
I'd jumped seventeen feet six in the long jump, which was a school record...
Whoever heard of a basketball player who doesn't need to jump?
VERB: V prep/adv, V n, V
Jump is also a noun.
She was taking tiny jumps in her excitement.
If you jump from something above the ground, you deliberately push yourself into the air so that you drop towards the ground.
He jumped out of a third-floor window...
I jumped the last six feet down to the deck.
= leap
VERB: V prep/adv, V n, also V
If you jump something such as a fence, you move quickly up and through the air over or across it.
He jumped the first fence beautifully.
If you jump somewhere, you move there quickly and suddenly.
Adam jumped from his seat at the girl's cry...
VERB: V prep/adv
If something makes you jump, it makes you make a sudden movement because you are frightened or surprised.
The phone shrilled, making her jump.
If an amount or level jumps, it suddenly increases or rises by a large amount in a short time.
Sales jumped from $94 million to over $101 million...
The number of crimes jumped by ten per cent last year...
Shares in Euro Disney jumped 17p.
VERB: V to/from amount, V by amount, V amount
Jump is also a noun.
...a big jump in energy conservation.
N-COUNT: with supp, usu N in n
If someone jumps a queue, they move to the front of it and are served or dealt with before it is their turn. (BRIT)
The prince refused to jump the queue for treatment at the local hospital.
If you jump at an offer or opportunity, you accept it quickly and eagerly.
Members of the public would jump at the chance to become part owners of the corporation.
VERB: no cont, V at n
If someone jumps on you, they quickly criticize you if you do something that they do not approve of.
A lot of people jumped on me about that, you know.
VERB: V on n
If you get a jump on something or someone or get the jump on them, you gain an advantage over them. (AM)
Helicopters helped fire crews get a jump on the blaze...
PHRASE: V inflects, PHR n
to jump on the bandwagon: see bandwagon
to jump bail: see bail
to jump to a conclusion: see conclusion
to jump the gun: see gun
to jump for joy: see joy
I. v. a.
Jump over, leap over, skip over, pass by a leap.
II. v. n.
Leap, spring, bound, skip, hop, vault, caper.
III. n.
Leap, spring, bound, hop, vault, caper.
¦ verb
1. push oneself into the air using the muscles in one's legs and feet.
pass over by jumping.
2. move suddenly and quickly.
make a sudden involuntary movement in surprise.
get on or off (a vehicle) quickly.
(also jump on) informal attack or criticize suddenly.
3. pass abruptly from one subject or state to another.
rise or increase suddenly.
N. Amer. take summary possession of (land) after alleged abandonment or forfeiture by the former occupant.
4. informal fail to stop at (a red traffic light).
5. (be jumping) informal (of a place) be very lively.
6. (jump at/on) accept eagerly.
7. vulgar slang, chiefly N. Amer. have sex with.
8. Bridge make a bid that is higher than necessary, in order to signal a strong hand.
¦ noun
1. an act of jumping.
a sudden dramatic increase or change.
a sudden startled movement.
2. an obstacle to be jumped, especially by a horse in a competition.
3. N. Amer. vulgar slang an act of sexual intercourse.
4. Bridge a bid that is higher than necessary.
get (or have) the jump on N. Amer. informal get (or have) an advantage over (someone) due to prompt action.
jump down someone's throat informal respond in a sudden and angry way.
jump out of one's skin informal be very startled.
jump the queue push into a queue of people.
?take unfair precedence over others.
jump the rails (or track) (of a train) become dislodged from the track.
jump ship (of a sailor) leave a ship without permission.
jump through hoops be made to go through a complicated procedure.
jump (or leap) to conclusions (or the conclusion) form an opinion hastily without considering all the facts.
jump to it! informal act promptly.
one jump ahead one stage ahead of a rival.
jumpable adjective
C16: prob. imitative of the sound of feet landing on the ground.
<programming> (Or "branch") The term for a goto instruction, usually in a context of machine languages. "Branch" may be synonymous with "jump", or may refer to jumps that depend on a condition. (1998-11-14)
·adv Exactly; pat.
II. Jump ·vt To bore with a jumper.
III. Jump ·vt To join by a butt weld.
IV. Jump ·noun The space traversed by a leap.
V. Jump ·noun A kind of loose jacket for men.
VI. Jump ·noun An effort; an attempt; a venture.
VII. Jump ·noun A dislocation in a stratum; a fault.
VIII. Jump ·adj Nice; exact; matched; fitting; precise.
IX. Jump ·noun The act of jumping; a leap; a spring; a bound.
X. Jump ·noun A bodice worn instead of stays by women in the 18th century.
XI. Jump ·vt To cause to jump; as, he jumped his horse across the ditch.
XII. Jump ·noun An abrupt interruption of level in a piece of brickwork or masonry.
XIII. Jump ·vt To thicken or enlarge by endwise blows; to Upset.
XIV. Jump ·vt To expose to danger; to Risk; to Hazard.
XV. Jump ·vt To pass by a spring or leap; to Overleap; as, to jump a stream.
XVI. Jump ·vi To move as if by jumping; to Bounce; to Jolt.
XVII. Jump ·vi To Coincide; to Agree; to Accord; to Tally;
- followed by with.
XVIII. Jump ·vi To spring free from the ground by the muscular action of the feet and legs; to project one's self through the air; to Spring; to Bound; to Leap.
·Impf & ·p.p. of Jump.
Jump (musical)         
Jump (comic martial-arts performance)
Jump, made by Kyung-Hoon Kim, is a Korean comedic theatrical performance involving martial arts, acrobatics, and dance moves. The musical " Jump, " which was first performed in 2003, has recorded more than 7,000 performances and more than 3 million tickets was sold.
Jump (Every Little Thing song)         
Jump (Every Little Thing single)
"Jump" is a song by the Japanese J-pop group Every Little Thing, released as their 20th single on October 17, 2001. It is their first song composed by Kaori Mochida.
Jump (video game platform)         
User:Edac79/sandbox; Draft:Jump (video game platform); Jump (video game platform)
Jump was a cloud gaming service for indie developers founded by CEO Anthony Palma with early team members Russ Mester, Cade Peterson, and Sam Hain. The service launched September 19, 2017 with 63 games, after a successful closed beta running during the month of July before.



Jumping is a form of locomotion or movement in which an organism or non-living (e.g., robotic) mechanical system propels itself through the air along a ballistic trajectory.

Jump or Jumping also may refer to: